2015-08-28 EXTEND 2016 NEW POSTER
2015-08-28 EXTEND RACING TEAM TSF champion
Taiwan Speed Festivl TSF Rd.2EXTEND RACING TEAM TSF champion
2015-05-21 2015 eXtend Party Show Business event
eXtend products conference private show has been organiged suceessfully.
2015-05-21 11/04/2014~11/07/2014 come see us
11/04/2014~11/07/2014 come see us the UtmostUSA booth at The SEMA Show 2014 south hall upper #34263 — 在 The SEMA Show 。
2015-05-21 EXTEND racing suspension is involved in the build of BMW E92 M3 for the BBC Top Gear Live and touring show.
EXTEND racing suspension is involved in the build of BMW E92 M3 for the BBC Top Gear Live and touring show.  TOP GEAR LIVE 28-29 NOV 2014 This conversion task is to build a well-known British WRC Rally Car tuning Momentum Motorsport were tuning BMW E92 M3
2015-05-21 2015 eXtend Party Show
eXtend Party Show eXtend Motorsport Business event
2014-12-09 EXTEND-Motorsport
We are the pioneer brand leader, professional and specialist manufacturer and developer for damper kits. We have close co-operation with main suspension manufacturers since establishment; and we have thorough understanding of damper’s structure, technical know-how to present a excellent damper kit. Extend is improving its products through testing by years before it has been marketed We ...
2014-10-28 2014 SEMA Show
2014 SEMA Show  eXtend Motorsport wish to see you there !south hall upper 34263 LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTERLAS VEGAS, NEVADANOV 4 - NOV 7, 2014#SEMA2014
2014-10-18 Who's going to POMONA this Sunday? Come see us
Who's going to POMONA this Sunday? Come see us  UtmostUSA @ Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show in Pomona BOXO U.S.A ╳ Extend Motorsport  #pomonaswapmeet| #boxotools| #extendmotosport